Filmed at the left wing blogger convention Netroots Nation in Las Vegas Senator Harry Reid tells the crowd of Union members, left wing activists, and professional agitators that a lame duck session may be in order. So that means one of two things; Harry Reid has no confidence in the November election so he is making contingency plans…or two, Harry Reid is not confident in the November elections and he is making contingency plans for continuing to be active in a lame duck session.
Without saying a word Harry Reid has shown that he is not confident about the upcoming midterm elections.
Does that sound interesting to you? I know that it peaked our interest here at ALG simply due to the fact that Senator Reid seemed to be almost ready to push through massive legislation under the cover of a lame duck session.
Fun Fact: The more congress sits around and does nothing the happier we are. (If they don’t pass any legislation then they can’t spend my tax dollars)