07.01.2008 0

Car 54, Where Were You?

  • On: 07/16/2008 22:25:16
  • In: New York News
  • Governor Spitzer’s fall from grace may have unleashed a chain reaction wherein all of Spitzer’s favored tools of State-coercion are finally unraveling like a cheap suit.

    On Monday, New York State Governor Paterson authorized (Editor’s note: Politicalese for “ordered”) State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to investigate the State Police’s compilation of damaging personal information on politicians. And that’s not only of Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno – but of the Governor himself and several other State officials. Apparently, Client #9 really was a “steamroller”.

    This follows on the heels of a report by Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares filed Friday which found that former Governor Spitzer was actively involved in this scandal – though that report did not recommend any prosecution of the disgraced Spitzer. Which is not surprising. Previously, when Sptizer had denied any involvement, an initial report from Soares had declared the then-governor to be free and clear of any wrongdoing.

    According to the New York Post, Cuomo will now be investigating not only the State Police’s role in this affair, but that of Spitzer’s personal security detail, and the decision-making process that had led to the State Police’s spying on Majority Leader Bruno. Of course, Attorney General Cuomo knew about this last summer while Spitzer was still in office – and no criminal probe emerged.

    Like a jacket with a loose thread, once tugged, this construct of State terror is rapidly unraveling, from utilizing police powers for political purposes, to government officials taking the fall to protect their political masters, and finally to reluctant prosecutors who see violations and sadly look the other way.

    ALG Perspective:
    Governor Paterson has finally gotten the message and authorized his Attorney General to investigate Spitzer’s criminal acts on a criminal basis. Now, please keep in mind, had Spitzer not slipped up with call girls, this entire criminal probe would never have unfolded. The disgraced former governor would have continued “steamrolling” political opponents, prosecutors would have continued pretending nothing was wrong –and New York taxpayers would have been forced to continue footing the bill. As Lord Acton stated, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” – which is yet another reason Americans are for Limited Government.

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