07.30.2010 0

Harry Reid: Delusional about Social Security

Filmed at the left wing blogger convention Netroots Nation in Las Vegas Senator Harry Reid tells the crowd of Union members, left wing activists, and professional agitators that Social Security is not in danger of failure. The stories one hears from the right wing members of society are not true. He then goes on to state that after the studies he read, 100 percent of members benefits will be viable for 30 or 40 years, but they’ll have to do something about it otherwise other people after that may only get 80 percent.

So I less then 4 sentences Harry Reid lies (in a nice legal-ease senatorial way) that the right wing is wrong for stating Social Security is defunct, but then states that in 30 or 40 years they’ll need to do something or people will only get 80 percent of their benefits.


Fun Fact: After listening to Harry Reid lie about social security our undercover cameraman almost pulled a Joe Wilson and yelled out in the banquet hall. After realizing that their location was was surrounded by union thugs the cameraman held their tongue and did not accidentally get beaten into next week…

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