
Nancy Pelosi Announces She Will Run for Minority Leader

Wow. There goes the conventional wisdom that she would step aside . From Nancy Pelosi via Twitter: Driven by the urgency of creating jobs & protecting #hcr , #wsr , Social Security & Medicare, I am running for Dem Leader.


Did Democrats Get the Message on Election Day?

By Frank McCaffrey – The voting public turned right on Tuesday and the Democrats don’t seem to get the message. Republican leaders do not see that a compromise is what their supporters are asking for. Reporter Frank McCaffrey looks at what both sides are taking […]


Must Reads for November 5

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Friday Morning, Here are your morning Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : Unemployment rate remains at 9.6%… The Tea Party Movement boosted the GOP in 2010 Dems destroyed in the heartland… Unions spend too much time on politics, not enough on their membership Americans vote for maturity Cartoon of the day, “The Death Panel” Mitch McConnell calls for Senate votes to reverse ObamaCare… Boehner: What the next Speaker must do Can Obama change? A return to the norm? Majorities don’t last forever GOP victory was wide and deep Stossel: Did freedom win? Seizing control


Unemployment Rate Remains at 9.6%

The latest unemployment data shows that the unemployment rate was unchanged from September to October. The unemployment rate remains at 9.6%–the longest sustained unemployment above 9.4% since the Great Depression. As ALG President Bill Wilson put it: “October marks the 18th straight month that unemployment has been at or above […]


The Tea Party Movement Boosted Republicans in 2010

There is no question that the tea party movement has dramatically contributed to the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives and narrowing the margin in the Senate. In addition to providing boosted turnout — it helped raise turnout to an estimated 41.5 percent (some 90 million) — since early 2009, the tea parties and other citizen […]


The Death Panel


Do The Dems Get The Voters’ Message?

The voting public turned right on Tuesday and the Democrats don’t seem to get the message. Republican leaders do not see that a compromise is what their supporters are asking for. Reporter Frank McCaffrey looks at what both sides are taking from the 2010 election.


Unions Spend Too Much Time on Politics, Not Enough on their Membership, Poll Shows

By Kevin Mooney — 2010 voters have more faith and confidence in business owners to recharge the economy than they do in the leadership of organized labor, according to a survey from Public Opinion Strategies. Moreover, the poll points to a growing concern on the […]


Republicans “Can and Should” Vote on Repealing ObamaCare Sen. McConnell Tells Heritage Foundation

By Kevin Mooney — Below are excerpts from Sen. Mitch McConnell’s  Thursday speech to the Heritage Foundation: “Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny […]


Must Reads for November 4

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Thursday Morning, Here are your morning Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : The left is in disarray after Tuesday’s elections Boehner promises to repeal ObamaCare… George Will: A recoil against liberalism It’s not just the economy, stupid Obama: The “Anti-Stimulant” Statehouse elections set the course of the nation for years to come It’s not 1994 again… Fed to print $600 billion to pay the debt… Union leaders refocus after elections setback GOP’s K Street wing ready for insurgent challenge Voters checked America into spending rehab In 2012, could Dean beat Obama? It’s time for the GOP to deliver The more things change…

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