
Label Me Conservative

On: 12/13/2010 08:58:10 In: Uncategorized By David Bozeman The reason Democrats lost big in the recent mid-terms is labels. Yes, whenever the chattering classes start telling us that ideological labels impede constructive national dialogue, it usually means the liberal/progressive agenda is being soundly rejected again. So, […]


Obama’s Political Empty Suit May Lead to Tax Compromise Christmas Tree

On: 12/10/2010 09:17:26 In: Taxes By Rick Manning The depth of Obama’s political weakness and the amount of blame that his fellow elected Democrats assign to him for their historic losses in November were both revealed in a House Democrat vote on whether to support his tax “compromise.” […]


The Amateur

On: 12/10/2010 09:16:55 In: Corruption     ALG Editor’s Note: William Warren’s award-winning cartoons published at GetLiberty.org are a free service of ALG News Bureau. They may be reused and redistributed free of charge.


West Virginia May Soon Set Nationwide Pattern to Get Around the EPA

On: 12/10/2010 09:16:09 In: Energy Crisis, Global Warming Fraud, and the Environment By Adam Bitely Coal mining has long been under attack from environmentalists and especially the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The result of these attacks have caused coal mines to be closed until they receive certification and permits that meet the approval of bureaucrats […]


Another Government Program That Could Be CutJob Corps

On: 12/10/2010 09:15:37 In: Fiscal Responsibility Video by Frank McCaffrey


Indonesian Official to Discuss Impact Environmental Groups Have Had on His Country at National Press Club

On: 12/10/2010 09:15:06 In: Energy Crisis, Global Warming Fraud, and the Environment By Kevin Mooney Washington, D.C. media elites who are always quick to regurgitate the spin from far-left environmental pressure groups should carefully consider the counterarguments of government officials in underdeveloped regions of the world. Industrial activity that could help lift third world populations […]


The Tax Deal Dilemma

On: 12/09/2010 09:31:23 In: Taxes By Bill Wilson Congress has a huge dilemma. As it considers whether or not to approve legislation that will prevent tax increases for all Americans for two years, cuts Social Security payroll taxes for employees, and extends unemployment benefits, it has to choose […]


U.S. Department Of Labor So Out Of Control With Spending That It Can’t Find Its Statements

On: 12/09/2010 09:30:50 In: Fiscal Responsibility Video by Frank McCaffrey


The Fred Upton Promotion Is a Big Disappointment

On: 12/09/2010 09:30:11 In: Republican in Name Only (RINO) By Adam Bitely The House GOP Steering Committee announced that they have chosen liberal Republican Fred Upton to become the Chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee in the 112th Congress. The committee, chaired by Speaker-designate John Boehner, chose Upton because they believed that he was more capable of providing oversight to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amongst other qualities they […]


Fed bond purchases rattles nerves

On: 12/09/2010 09:29:21 In: Monetary Policy ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured column from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , Jack Markowitz lays out his case against the Fed’s additional $600 billion of treasuries purchases, including ALG’s take on the issue:   By Jack Markowitz The Federal Reserve is making lots of people nervous. Using “printed” money […]

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