
Balanced Budget Amendment Takes Center Stage

On: 03/28/2011 08:57:11 In: Fiscal Responsibility By Rick Manning Senate Republicans are taking the bold step to make passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment on the upcoming vote to raise the debt ceiling promising to support an increase in exchange for the Senate passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment […]


Sen. Orrin Hatch Speaks With ALG About A New Idea To Cut Spending

On: 03/31/2011 09:02:34 In: Economy Video by Frank McCaffrey


TARP Was Not a Success

On: 03/29/2011 09:03:34 In: Fiscal Responsibility By Adam Bitely Contrary to Robert Samuelson’s claim that TARP has been a success story , it has been anything but. Writing in the Washington Post, Samuelson claims that “[w]hen the entire financial system succumbs to panic, only the government is powerful enough to prevent a complete collapse.” Clearly, Samuelson has never taken […]


‘The Week Ahead’ Looks at the Senate Republican Balanced Budget Amendment and Welfare Reform

On: 03/29/2011 09:04:03 In: Uncategorized Video by Frank McCaffrey


Above the Law

On: 03/29/2011 09:04:38 In: Uncategorized By Bill Wilson Barack Obama is the unilateral president. He does what he wants, when he wants, and Congress — and the people — be damned. The examples are too numerous to ignore. Recently, Obama ordered an attack on Libya without so much […]


Chevron Challenges Environmental Claims in RICO Suit that Highlights Possible Collusion

On: 03/30/2011 09:08:07 In: Energy Crisis, Global Warming Fraud, and the Environment By Kevin Mooney Instead of playing defense against green pressure groups that peddle dubious allegations, private companies should follow the lead of Chevron Corp., which has pushed back aggressively against the plaintiffs’ attorneys in case that involves pollution allegations in Ecuador. […]


The Political Leadership Crisis

On: 03/30/2011 09:08:31 In: Uncategorized By Adam Bitely The United States has been dealing with one crisis after the other for the past decade. Currently, the U.S. faces an unemployment crisis, a financial crisis, and a political leadership crisis. What is the political leadership crisis? Simply put, the […]


House Republicans Move to Wind Down Fannie, Freddie

On: 03/30/2011 09:09:24 In: Economy By Bill Wilson On March 29, House Republicans led by Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling unveiled a piecemeal approach to bringing an end to government control of mortgage markets that includes winding down Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2008, Congress and the Bush Administration placed Fannie and Freddie into conservatorship as the firms descended into insolvency. Since then, the government bailout […]


Entitled to Entitlements

On: 03/30/2011 09:09:55 In: Entitlements By Rebekah Rast Entitlement programs, also known as mandatory spending, account for two-thirds of the federal budget. This current fiscal year, mandatory spending exceeds total federal receipts. In hard numbers, mandatory spending is estimated to cost this country $2.194 trillion this year alone, […]


Why I Won’t Vote to Raise the Debt Limit

On: 03/31/2011 09:01:15 In: Fiscal Responsibility ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured oped from the Wall Street Journal , Senator Marco Rubio takes a courageous stand against increasing the debt ceiling unless strong conditions are met: By Senator Marco Rubio I will vote to defeat an increase in the debt limit unless it is the last […]

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