12.28.2011 0

GOP Elimination match round 2

By Rebecca DiFede

Gingrich, Bachmann, Romney and Santorum survived round one of Americans for Limited Government’s presidential brackets, and now you can vote for your favorite today!

It’s down to Gingrich, Bachmann, Romney and Santorum.

In the epic battle to win the title of GOP Presidential nominee, these four must face-off this week to see who will get ever closer to being the people’s choice.

Last week’s exclusive internet polling results are in and the final four in Americans for Limited Government’s exclusive NCAA-style Republican nominee bracket is down to Gingrich v. Bachmann and Romney v. Santorum match-ups.

Heading into the Iowa caucus, you get to vote on whether master debater Newt Gingrich or tea party fave Michelle Bachmann move into the finals. These media-frenzy favorites will go head-to-head in a fight that is sure to be a ruthless one. Both are constantly in the public eye and have landed more than a few unfavorable quips in the papers.

Both are constantly in the public eye and each has found themself at some time in the race as the alternative to Romney’s nomination leadership. Which one will make it to the finals?

You decide.

In the other bracket, Rick Santorum upset Iowa front runner Ron Paul, and now faces off against Mitt Romney in his long-shot quest for the nomination.

While Santorum’s win was definitely a surprise, the match-up with Romney showcases two different visions for the presidency and should be a good indication of what Americans for Limited Government readers view as their priority going into the 2012 election.

Don’t forget to vote in our online poll to help determine our next winner, and if you haven’t already, download our GOP 2012 bracket so you can keep score at home.

Let the games begin!

Rebecca DiFede is a contributing editor to Americans for Limited Government.

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