04.03.2024 0

Democrats are in Panic Mode as Poll After Poll Shows Biden Losing Double Digits with Blacks

By Bill Wilson

The mainstream media is finally beginning to catch onto the fact that President Joe Biden has a serious issue with Black voters and is at risk of losing double-digits compared to 2020.

Analysis from the Washington Post recently noted the four new polls showing former President Donald Trump carving out as much as 20 percent of the Black vote in November, after earning just twelve percent in 2020.

CNN also warned this week that Biden’s reelection prospects could hinge heavily on his ability to turn out Black voters, something his campaign is struggling to address due to sinking approval ratings and a sputtering economy.

Biden and Democrats have good reason to be concerned about their prospects with Black voters in November. Polling data from YouGovQuinnipiac, New York Times/Siena and Marquette all reveal Biden is in deep trouble with Black voters and will need to combat deeply negative sentiment to earn anything close to what he did four years ago.

Polls reveal Biden’s handling of the economy and inflation are at the heart of Black voters’ frustration with Biden and Democrats. In addition, a growing share of Black Muslims and younger Blacks take issue with Biden’s stance on Israel, fueling the “Abandon Biden” movement spreading among leftists in battleground states like Minnesota and Michigan.

What the polls show is this – around a fifth of Black voters are considering withholding their votes from Biden in November and either supporting Trump or supporting a third-party option.

In addition, around ten to twenty percent of Democratic primary voters in multiple battleground states are denying Biden their support in the primaries, in an attempt to pressure Biden into demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, the glaring issue is the economy. Black Americans largely believe Biden’s policies have not helped them, and this sentiment has accelerated in just the past six months.

The recent New York Times/Siena College poll reveals the share of Black Americans who say Biden’s policies have “helped them personally” has plummeted a full forty-one-points since last November’s Times/Siena battleground state poll.

As of mid-March, only 21% of Black Americans say Biden’s policies have “personally helped them”, while three times as many – 62% – said Biden’s policies had personally helped them last November. This is a startling shift in perspective in less than six months.

The Times poll found Black voters say by a vast thirty-eight-point margin – 69% to 31% – that the economy is in fair or poor condition, rather than good condition.

Further, Black voters say by an overwhelming thirty-two-point margin that the economy was better in 2020 after four years of Trump’s policies than it is today. In addition, twenty-three percent of Blacks say Trump’s policies personally helped them. It’s not particularly surprising then that polls show Trump could secure twenty percent of Black voters in November, an eight-point increase compared to 2020 results. 

Although Black voters switching to support Former President Trump at the margins would be a blow to Biden’s reelection prospects, Blacks going third-party is an equally alarming prospect for Democrats.   

A recent Gen Forward poll revealed 17% of Black voters plan to vote for Trump in November but 20% plan to vote for someone other than Trump or Biden.

Just how serious are Black liberals and independents about denying Biden their support? It’s too early to tell if they may change their minds in November, but the growing call from younger Black liberals to “Abandon Biden” in a series of Democratic primaries does not appear to be dampening. Progressive Democrats are urging others to write “uncommitted” instead of supporting Joe Biden in several Democratic primaries in key states, serving up tens of thousands of protest votes against Biden.

In Michigan, thirteen percent of Democratic primary voters cast “uncommitted” protest votes against Biden, while in Minnesota nearly nineteen percent of voters cast ballots selecting the “uncommitted” option. Twelve percent of North Carolina voters and nine percent of Massachusetts voters withheld their support from Biden on Super Tuesday last month and voted “uncommitted” as well.   

Biden’s biggest battle in November could come from younger Blacks, with survey data from the American Enterprise Institute revealing young Blacks are much less likely to support Biden and identify as Democrats compared to older Blacks.

AEI’s data shows Blacks under age 50 are twenty-one percentage points less likely to approve of Biden than Blacks over age 50, thirty-six points less likely to say Biden has accomplished a good or great deal in office, and around thirty points less likely to say are Democrats.  

The Biden Administration’s disastrous handling of the economy may have singlehandedly caused a reversal to the decades-long trend of Black voters supporting Democrats in just four short years. Americans for Limited Government has been warning for years that the Democratic Party’s self-serving economic policies and hollowing out of the middle class are driving away minorities and young people, and it is becoming increasingly clear that we were onto something. Whether Biden can reverse the damage he has done remains to be seen, but Black voters are abandoning Democrats in droves as it stands now.

Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.

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