02.10.2025 0

Say You Want a Revolution?

By Bill Wilson

On June 4, 1989, an election was held in Poland, at the time a solid member of the Soviet bloc, a dedicated communist government that had the full support of their masters in the Soviet Kremlin.  The results were supposed to be totally predictable.  Only a third of the seats in the lower house of Parliament were at stake.  And while the new Senate of 100 members was open for election for the first time, the Senate had little power and was viewed as a “safety valve” for the rulers.  To say the powers that be thought the outcome was rigged is an understatement of historic proportions.

The outcome was a massive rejection of the government and the communist system.  Solidarity, the pro-freedom labor union, won 99 of the 100 Senate seats.  They won all of the contested lower house seats.  Within days the apparatus of the state started to melt.

And less than two years later, on March 26, 1991, the revolution took a form that announced to the world that Poland was free and that nothing would be as it had been.  On that date, the former offices of the Communist Party were turned over to the Warsaw Stock Exchange.  The building where oppression and Marxist nonsense was dispensed for decades became the home of free-wheeling business and capitalist investment.

I was reminded of this epic transfer when I read that the U.S. Customs and Border Control had taken over the lease of the former USAID offices.  Nothing could more illustrative of the “revolution” taking place in American than that.

USAID has been nothing more than an arm of the globalist elite. Run by Obama-Biden acolytes, the agency had shown utter contempt for the American people and the founding principles of the nation.  Even a cursory review of the waste and abuse conducted by this agency leaves no room for doubt; this was an anti-American, slap in the face to the American people.

And now it is gone.  And in the space where it once handed out gobs of cash to international actors with no regard for the interests of the United States, now will be housed an agency dedicated to protecting the border and sovereignty of the nation.  From hard-left international Ponzi Scheme using the tax dollars from hard working Americans to a bastion of common-sense defenders of our national integrity. 

I call that a revolution.

And it is just the beginning.  Secretary of State Marco Rubio — also serving as acting director of USAID — has pledged to conduct the same type of siring review of other overseas “grants.”  The President has ordered a review of all grants to non-governmental organizations and withdrawn the United States from two U.N. agencies.  More is sure to follow.

In a letter to Thomas Jefferson from John Adams in 1815, the issue is made plain and clear as to the real nature of revolution.  Adams wrote: “As to the history of the Revolution, my ideas may be peculiar and perhaps singular.  What do we mean by the Revolution?  The War?  That was no part of the revolution, it was an effect and consequence of it.  The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected from 1760 to 1775.”

Adams was referring to what Lenin would later call the revolutionary consciousness — the opening of one’s eyes and seeing conditions in a different light.  Once that process begins, it is virtually impossible to stop.  It may be diverted for a time, but the inevitable conclusion will be reached.

The inevitable conclusion was reached in Poland in 1991.  And it was reached in the United States on February 6, 2025. 

How and why was it reached?  Endless wars that cost us thousands of lives and a mountain of money to achieve exactly nothing.  The transfer of millions of good paying manufacturing jobs — and the quality of life in small towns and cities throughout the nation that was based on those jobs — to places where the financial class could make more money.  The destruction of the moral code and the open assault on the children of the nation from an “education establishment” that long ago gave up on teaching.  Constant demands for more from a government that felt and acted as if it had no limits and had no intention of being accountable to anyone.

The cancel culture that attacked and destroyed anyone or any entity that did not toe the line of a new orthodoxy, a rancid mix of identity politics and raw, brute force.  A censorship regime that used the People’s taxes to drown us in propaganda.  All of this and more led directly to a revolutionary consciousness that manifest itself in November 2024.  And that is what has led us to where we are today.

It is only the beginning.  The Federal Government is just the outward-facing cog in the machine that wants nothing less than the destruction of nations and an end to the fallacy of representative government.  The culture, higher education, the protected “foundations” that spend billions to corrupt every aspect of our lives.  All of this and more are soon on the chopping block. 

So, while the faded and frayed elites cry and bemoan the state of affairs, while leftists in Congress file endless lawsuits that will not stop a process they themselves helped usher into being, while the entire establishment is like a fish in the bottom of the boat flopping around furiously to no avail, take a minute to savor the moment.  This was a long time coming but the revolution is here and it is not going away.

Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.

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