By Bill Wilson
The media circus over the statement by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was hyped by the institutional Left for one purpose, to undercut and delegitimize the Administration efforts to restore some sanity to the U.S. Government. The idea that a single District Court Judge could block the legitimate efforts of the executive to remove violent, criminal illegal aliens from our midst is pure delusion. Nobody accepts that one lower-level Judge should or does have the power to block the exercise of Executive authority. And yet, every time one of these radical leftists issues an edict the media treats it like Moses descending from the Mount.
The truth is that none of these ridiculous orders will stand All the left and their stooges on the courts are doing is delaying the inevitable. Why? I suppose the reasoning is that if they delay long enough perhaps Trump will forget about the issue at hand and move on to something else. Or, perhaps some unforeseen event will dramatically hurt the Administration and somehow the Marxist horde will reassert itself.
Leftists should know by now that “hoping” and “wishing” is not a strategy. Like so much of the reaction to the first few months of the Trump administration, their entire response has been that of a petulant child; throwing temper tantrums and screaming loudly.
Most are reluctantly accepting reality and responding accordingly. Adults know you do not have to like a situation to accept it and do what is necessary. Unfortunately, a handful of district court judges, most appointed by Obama and Biden, refuse. They know they will be overturned but don’t care. For them the loud gesture is the thing, not the law or the Constitution. Many of these reckless leftists are housed in the District Court of the District of Columbia.
That is the basis of my proposal. All courts under the Supreme Court are created by Congress. None of them — not the DC Circuit or the radicals on the Left Coast of the Ninth Circuit — have any legal basis to exist except for an Act of Congress. With that understanding, Congress can simply reorder the lower courts. There is no need to impeach anyone regardless of how foolish or ignorant they may be. You can just eliminate that court.
Every circuit court system in the county relates to a set of states, a geographic area that has unique economic, political and cultural norms. The men and women who come from those areas naturally reflect the culture of that area. All expect one — the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has no culture or basis to exist other then to defend and advance the interests of government and the elites who, up to last November, controlled it. So, if the D.C. Circuit does not reflect the people but rather is little more than a group of black-robed lobbyists for the federal government, why have it?
Congress can simply eliminate the D.C. Circuit and District Courts and the gaggle of Obama Marxists that sit as district court judges. Once the courts themselves are eliminated, a heartly “thank you for your service” can be handed to the likes of Boasberg, Chutkan, Reyes and Ali as they walk out the door. There is no need to impeach if the office for which someone has been appointed and confirmed no longer exists.
Will they fight, will they beg for their jobs with the Supreme Court? One would assume but the rules set forth in the Constitution are very clear. What Congress giveth it can take away. But, how will such a move get by the Senate Democrat filibuster? That will take work of course. But there are many ways to skin a cat in the Senate and at the end of the day every decision is a cost benefit analysis. If the “cost” of keeping the rats’ nest — the D.C. Circuit — is more than many Democrats are willing to pay, the filibuster will melt like snow in August. Time and patience are the only requirements for success.
The D.C. Circuit is relatively new. Formed in 1893 by the Democrat-controlled 53rd Congress, many of the actions by that Congress were soundly rejected by the voters in the midterm elections of 1894 wherein Republicans almost doubled their numbers in the House of Representatives. But as Ronald Reagan observed, the closest thing to eternal life is a government program or entity, the D.C. Circuit continued. It is well past time to remedy this flawed act.
It is against the very foundations of the nation to hand the government its own court, a tribunal designed to validate its own actions. It is vile to assume that only the denizens of Washington, D.C. should pass judgement on the duly elected representatives of the people. Congress needs to move now to eliminate the D.C. Circuit and dispatch the “judges” who sit there back to faculty lounges of the Ivy League or the offices of radical non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from where they came.
Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.