11.30.2010 0

Government By Executive Order

  • On: 12/06/2010 09:00:39
  • In: Big Labor



    ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured column from the Wall Street Journal, John Fund exposes an operating plan from the Solicitor of Labor to unionize reluctant employers. The documents were obtained from Americans for Limited Government via a Department of Labor whistleblower:




    On Sept. 22, Labor’s Office of the Solicitor—which employs 400 attorneys to enforce the nation’s labor laws—issued a draft “operating plan” to dramatically increase pressure on employers. A source inside the department says the plan has been adopted.

    Patricia Smith, who heads the solicitor’s office, told me in an interview yesterday that the plan is a “living document” that will “never be finalized.”…

    Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government, a government watchdog group that monitors union issues, says Labor’s new approach should trigger oversight hearings by the new GOP House. “But that won’t be enough,” he predicts. “The solicitor’s budget at Labor will have to be kept in check.”


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