04.29.2021 0

Why Does Cancel Culture Only Work on Republicans?

We have a judge and jury consisting of the lying national media and self-interested politicians on the left. When the game is rigged, the only option is to play it the way they’ve laid it out.

By Brett Kimball

With cancel culture running rampant and the court of public opinion more powerful than ever, it’s no wonder many Americans are afraid to speak their minds. We’ve watched as people get taken down for reasons ranging from wrong think on Twitter, to allegations of racism, bigotry or sexual assault. The latter of which seems to be a favorite tool of the Democrats, one which they dig up seemingly every time someone “problematic” pops up in opposition to their agenda.

We saw this with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, where wildly unfounded accusations were made, leading to an extensive investigation which found nothing. The Kavanaugh hearing, one of the most divisive in history, proved Democrats are willing to play dirty to win, even at the risk of destroying an innocent man’s life and reputation.

However, conservatives and elected Republicans always seem to get caught up in legal battles when these things come up, because they take a defensive stance, accepting the left’s narrative by trying to prove their innocence.

Democrats always take a different approach. For example, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was recently hit with nine separate allegations of sexual misconduct during his ongoing political tenure. These allegations would have destroyed the career of any Republican. So why is Gov. Cuomo still in office? The answer is clearly the “D” next to his name.

Democrats are obsessed with protecting and defending their own, even the indefensible. We have seen this more and more frequently over the last few years, most recently with Rep. Maxine Waters, when she went out into the streets demanding “more confrontation” and violence if the Derek Chauvin trial didn’t end with the verdict she wanted. She was protected by Democrats in Congress, highlighted by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s vigorous defense of  her remarks. But this wasn’t her first infraction.  Mad Maxine was caught on camera a couple years back yelling at an assembled protest group to harass Trump officials in public spaces – hearing crickets rather than a backlash.

Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia is another clear example of a Democrat politician who, by the left’s own standards, should have been harassed into resigning and shunned from polite society. You would think that after an old yearbook photo surfaced of Northam and a friend from his military institute showing one boy in black-face and the other donning traditional KKK garb, Northam would have been clearly labeled a racist. Northam was even identified in his yearbook photo as “coonman.” However, because the Democrats aren’t expected to play by their own rules, Northam’s black-face fiasco was steamrolled by the next day’s headlines and swiftly swept under the carpet.

Similarly, Cuomo, who spent the entirety of last summer parading around as the darling sweetheart of the Democratic Party for his handling of the China pandemic in New York, was seen as the Democrat’s perfect foil to Trump. While his handling of the virus was actuality abysmal, resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths in nursing homes and while his offices admitted to tampering with the state’s Covid-19 numbers for fear of federal prosecution, the left continued to tout Cuomo as “the gold standard.”

Cuomo and Northam have seemingly been able to get away with halfhearted apologies and a slap on the wrist and Waters has been praised.

What can elected Republicans and ordinary conservatives do to address this, or to stave off future attacks when the mob which spared this despicable trio comes for them?

While Democrats have demonstrably and reliably shown to never come down harshly on their own side, Republicans in Congress cannot say the same. In their pursuit to always take the “principled” stance and appear bipartisan in some way, Republicans tend to be quick to condemn those on the right who land themselves in hot water. They think they are being principled but they don’t recognize that that doesn’t matter to the left anymore. If conservatives want to have any chance at a fair process when the mob turns on them for any infraction, then they need to start defending their own just the way the Democrats do, because the news cycle will move on, whether they act or not.

If Democrats or the media were honest, we might be able to have a real dialogue about each instance on a case-by-case basis; we might be able to consider the nuances of each situation and decide how it should be handled, whether it implicates the character of those involved, negatively or otherwise, and take actual steps towards solving these types of problems. However, as the Kavanaugh cased proved, where those who made false accusations were never held to account by the media that willfully parroted them, we don’t have honest and good faith debate. We have a judge and jury consisting of the lying national media and self-interested politicians on the left.

When the game is rigged, the only option is to play it the way they’ve laid it out.

Brett Kimball is a college student and conservative grassroots activist from Gaithersburg, MD.

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