What Biden is doing is unconstitutional. The Department of Labor does not have the authority to impose these mandates through OSHA.
Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a regular guest on the Mike Hayes Radio Show on WIZM radio in LaCrosse, WI. This week, Rick and Mike talked about President Joe Biden’s sweeping new Covid vaccine mandates.
Manning: We already don’t have enough workers in the workforce nows and Joe Biden’s mandates could push up to 30 million people out of the workforce. That would be a worse case scenario, but if all those workers refuse to get vaccinated, our nation’s unemployment rate would be higher than it was at the height of the pandemic lockdowns.
What Biden is doing is unconstitutional. The Department of Labor does not have the authority to impose these mandates through OSHA.
This is a clear attempt by Joe Biden to take the conversation off of his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Hayes: Yes. And we still have an untold number of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. That is now a hostage situation.
Manning: The Taliban has effectively told the White House that American citizens can leave, but their spouses and children who are not U.S. citizens cannot leave. The Taliban is in control. We cannot let Biden walk away from his Afghanistan disaster. Taliban and their supporters around the world will be celebrating tomorrow what they are calling a victory.
Hayes:Â We are already seeing that now with Taliban fighters dressed in U.S. military uniforms and using our equipment. They are dancing around in victory already.
Manning:Â Yes and we will see more of that, if the media reports on it.
To listen to the full interview click below: