02.25.2011 0

The Names of the 47 Congressmen That Have Voted for Every Spending Cut

Spending Cuts

Here are the names, via Rob Bluey at Big Government, of the 47 Congressmen that have supported every single spending cut during the Continuing Resolution debate last week in Congress:

Amash, Bachmann, Broun, Campbell, Chabot, Chaffetz, Coffman, Duncan (TN), Duncan (SC), Flake, Fleming, Franks, Garrett, Gowdy, Graves (GA), Heller, Hensarling, Herger, Huelskamp, Huizenga, Hurt, Jenkins, Jordan, Lamborn, Mack, McClintock, McHenry, Miller (FL), Mulvaney, Myrick, Neugebauer, Paul, Pence, Pompeo, Price (GA), Ribble, Rokita, Royce, Scalise, Schweikert, Scott (GA), Scott (SC), Sessions, Walsh, Wilson, Woodall, and Young (IN).

Note the following information: There are 241 Republicans in the House and only 47 have supported every single spending cut…

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