09.17.2020 0

Biden is lying to Pennsylvania, he actually said he’d ‘eliminate’ fracking & push the Green New Deal

Biden’s Green New Deal will end fracking, make America beholden to China:

Former Vice President Joe Biden is promising to implement the Green New Deal, setting a national target for 2035 to cut carbon emissions in half in a move that would end the fossil fuel industry for transportation and electricity as we know it. That means no more oil. No more coal. And no more natural gas. But in the same breath, Biden is attempting to persuade voters in states like Pennsylvania that he is not going to end hydraulic fracturing that makes it possible to extract petroleum and natural gas from geologic shale formations. In Pittsburgh on Aug. 31, Biden said, “I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking. No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.” But in the July 2019 debate on CNN, Biden said “We would make sure it’s eliminated,” in response to a question about whether his administration would find any place for “fossil fuels, including coal and fracking”. Biden cannot have it both ways. Either he wants to eliminate carbon emissions including fracking, or he doesn’t. It’s a complete contradiction. What do you think?

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