09.14.2020 0

Children with disabilities are not getting what they need from remote learning

Schools across America have begun the 2020-2021 academic year, but approximately 67 percent of students in a snapshot of 19.6 million students in the 100 largest school districts in the U.S. utilizing remote learning only, according to Education Week. Those children have not been to school in a physical setting since March in many cases, and students with disabilities may be the ones suffering the most. There are 7.1 million of children with disabilities who receive individualized, special education, and if the Education Week snapshot is representative of the nation, that could mean as many as 4.8 million special education students have not been in a physical setting for about six months. These students are not getting what they need. Neither are non-special education students. And how long children are away from the classroom will have years-long impacts on their lives, development and future prosperity. What do you think?


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