By William Warren – This cartoon is about the Wisconsin Labor issue and how the Democrats keep using the old line about how the GOP’s policies are “Crushing the Children.” Well, we all know who is REALLY crushing the children…
By William Warren – Today’s cartoon is about the Wisconsin Democrats (and those from other states, for that matter) that think Democracy means running away and hiding when things don’t go your way. Absolutely absurd.
By William Warren – Today’s cartoon is themed around the Academy Awards and is a general critique of Obama’s lack of leadership on the global scene given all the turmoil in the Middle East and elsewhere. I also reference his hilarious Nobel Peace Prize.
By William Warren – This cartoon is about Oil…and how Obama is dismantling our Domestic Energy Production while the price of Foreign Oil Skyrockets. Completely nonsensical…but then again, this IS Obama, afterall.
By William Warren – Today’s cartoon is about the Wisconsin Union debacle. This toon shows the hypocrisy of Obama and the Left when it comes this Labor Issue as well as “getting the deficit under control” as they always profess to be in favor of. […]
By William Warren – In case you missed it, teen superstar Justin Bieber was interviewed recently during which he expressed his dislike of America’s health care and praised Canada’s free health care… When celebs talk, odd things happen .