
Civility for Dummies

By William Warren – Today’s toon talks about how the Democrats keep calling for civility… including the ludicrous gesture to have them and the Republicans sit next to each other at the next SOTU speech.


Traffic in DC

By William Warren – A recent report lists Washington DC #1 when it comes to terrible traffic congestion.  I thought it presented a good opportunity for a cartoon…


Obama Hears a Hu

By William Warren – This cartoon is about Hu’s visit with Obama, and how Obama keeps turning a blind eye to the human rights problems in China.


ObamaCare Repeal Vote is Merely Symbolic

By William Warren – My latest cartoon addresses the House’s vote later today to repeal Obamacare, which the White House dismisses as nothing but a “symbolic” vote.  I think the symbols I drew are pretty clear for what Obama has in store for himself.


Meanwhile in Australia

By William Warren –


The First Responders

By William Warren – My cartoon today looks at all the people that try to take advantage of the situation in Arizona that pin the blame for the Giffords Shooting on political parties and ideologies for political gain.


Reading the Constitution

By William Warren – Today’s cartoon focuses on the reading of the Constitution on the House floor yesterday.


Stretched Thin

By William Warren – Today’s cartoon comments on how our soaring National Debt (now topping $14 trillion) and rising unemployment is torturing the nation.


Burying Obama’s Global Warming Policy

By William Warren – This should be obvious–I make fun of global warming.


Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot!

By William Warren – Happy New Year!

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