Award-winning cartoonist William Warren has a challenging, but entertaining job. He produces three original political cartoons for the free-market based nonprofit Americans for Limited Government (ALG) each week. Warren’s cartoons have won him many awards over the years, and most recently, five of his cartoons […]
By William Warren – Today’s cartoon bashes the current Lame Duck congress, commenting on how they have the lowest approval rating in the history of polling.
By William Warren – My latest cartoon looks at the roof collapse of the Metrodome in Minneapolis and also comments on how our nation’s debt in Washington will collapse the country.
By William Warren – Today’s toon mocks Obama about how his constant glowing talk about “compromise”, yet when he finally does compromise, it comes out pretty ugly.
By William Warren – My latest cartoon focuses on how Obama’s Big Government policies continue to hurt the US economy while the unemployment rate rises. I also fit in a WikiLeaks dig.