
Obama’s Vacation Reading

By William Warren – My latest cartoon pokes fun at Obama reading a book on Reagan while speculating what Reagan might be reading at the same time.


NetRight Daily and ALG’s Award-Winning Cartoonist Talks Skills, Passion and Talent

Award-winning cartoonist William Warren has a challenging, but entertaining job. He produces three original political cartoons for the free-market based nonprofit Americans for Limited Government (ALG) each week. Warren’s cartoons have won him many awards over the years, and most recently, five of his cartoons […]


2010 Disaster Recap

By William Warren – My latest cartoon comments on the outrageous spending in Washington–and recaps some of the year’s worst natural disasters.


The Lamest Duck

By William Warren – Today’s cartoon bashes the current Lame Duck congress, commenting on how they have the lowest approval rating in the history of polling.


The Obama Constitution

By William Warren – Today’s cartoon is pretty straightforward… it comments on the unconstitutionality of ObamaCare.


The Roof Collapse

By William Warren – My latest cartoon looks at the roof collapse of the Metrodome in Minneapolis and also comments on how our nation’s debt in Washington will collapse the country.


Compared to Big Government, Santa Is An Amateur

By William Warren – My latest cartoon comments on how more people than ever before are dependent on Big Government aid.


Feel Good Compromise

By William Warren – Today’s toon mocks Obama about how his constant glowing talk about “compromise”, yet when he finally does compromise, it comes out pretty ugly.


The Latest WikiLeak

By William Warren – My latest cartoon focuses on how Obama’s Big Government policies continue to hurt the US economy while the unemployment rate rises. I also fit in a WikiLeaks dig.


Obama: Compromise With Me

By William Warren – My latest cartoon pokes fun at Obama’s sudden interest in bipartisanship.

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