12.05.2018 0

Video: Federal managers say ‘it takes up half of our lives if we try to fire somebody so… we just work around them’

Rick Manning discusses MERIT Act with Americas Voice News.

By ALG Staff

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning sat down with Kyle Olson of Americas Voice News to discuss the importance of the MERIT Act. This civil service reform legislation will allow supervisors to remove recalcitrant employees in an expedited manner while protecting their due process rights, particularly by protecting whistleblowers.

Manning discusses how civil service laws that were meant to protect employees are now working against them.

Manning explains, “The people who like this are the people who are the career civil servants, who are bosses. They regularly say to me, ‘Rick we can’t fire people, we just put them in a corner because it takes up half of our lives if we try to fire somebody so… we just work around them.’”

Manning notes that the MERIT Act takes a large step in changing the culture of our civil service to restore accountability and efficiency. To learn more about the MERIT Act visit FireTheSwamp.com, to watch Americas Voice News visit AmericasVoiceNews.com.

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