Should a school district be allowed to silence a citizen who wants to promote a school choice initiative?
The friends of limited government at the Parents in Charge Foundation don’t think so. And, they put together a clever mailing last week promoting the precedent-setting 4th Circuit Court case, Page v. Lexington 1, to graphically make their point. It featured a paper cut-out of the Statue of Liberty – complete with a red gag – and “Government Instructions” on how to silence pesky dissenters:
“1. Cut out statue.
“2. Fold statue.
“3. Place gag over Liberty’s mouth. Now.”
If you would like your very own limited-edition “Gagged Liberty” cut-out, you can get one by emailing the Parents in Charge Foundation at and including your address. They’ll be happy to mail you one promptly.
ALG Reminder: The case itself will be heard at the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA on March 20th. If you have any questions, you can contact the Parents in Charge Foundation at (703)383-0908.