07.01.2008 0

Page v. Lexington Video Interview

  • On: 07/16/2008 20:47:43
  • In: Page v. Lexington
  • In response to several requests from journalists across the nation for more information regarding the precedent-setting free speech case, Page v. Lexington County School District One, ALG News correspondent Carter Clews recently sat down for a video interview with appellant Randy Page and his attorney, Kevin Hall.

    The interview offers a complete background of the case, which involves Page’s claim that by promoting its views against a South Carolina school choice initiative, the District had created a public forum from which the appellant unconstitutionally barred. Page and Hall also discussed the potential impact of the case and generally comment on the issue of school choice in South Carolina and across the nation.

    Page and Hall are hopeful for a victory in this case, but they suggested that however it turns out, that this case could wind up in the Supreme Court. A victory for Page would mean that when the government takes a stand on a legislative issue, doing so creates a public forum with which citizens with dissenting views must be allowed to participate in.

    For information on this case, please visit http://picfoundation.org.

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