By William Warren
ALG Editor’s Note: As ALG News was going to print today, news broke that a Toledo, OH police clerk has been charged for “gross misconduct” for improperly targeting Joe the Plumber with a records search. We had earlier mistakenly reported that it was Ms. Jones-Kelley that had been charged, but alas, she is still on the prowl.
As a long-time resident of Georgia, I’d say I know a thing or two about snakes—especially where to find them. For those unfamiliar with the practice, a good place to start would be under rocks, logs, fallen trees, and all sorts of rotting debris.
I’d also recommend looking anywhere in the Ohio state government. They seem to have a decided tendency to lurk there as well.
For example, we have Jennifer Brunner, the Ohio Democrat Secretary of State who willingly assisted ACORN and Barack Obama in allowing 200,000 unmatchable fraudulent voter registrations to remain uninvestigated. Curiously enough, 200,000 votes were roughly the margin of victory for Republican candidate George W. Bush in Ohio in 2000 and 2004. Apparently, taking careful headcounts and then adjusting the vote accordingly is how Ohio Democrats interpret the Good Book’s injunction to be “as wise as a serpent.”
And now Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, revealed earlier this week that she sanctioned a government-backed investigation to probe into the private records of Joe Wurzelbacher immediately following the October 15th presidential debate. This marks the fourth state computer check on Mr. Wurzelbacher since he became a major talking point in the presidential race. State and local investigators are now looking to see if these government probes—especially that of Mrs. Jones-Kelley—are illegal. And I would advise them to bring along their pinning hooks.
According to Mrs. Jones-Kelley, this latest intrusion was supposedly launched to see if Mr. Wurzelbacher was current on any ordered child-support payments. As she says:
“Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look. Our practice is to basically look at what is coming our way.”
So Mrs. Jones-Kelley “often” takes a look into the personal records of anyone who “is thrust quickly into the public spotlight”? I’m not so sure that excuse makes the cut.
Apparently Mrs. Jones-Kelley forgot to mention the following tiny caveat: she always investigates anyone who comes “into the public spotlight”—who happens to be a political threat to her candidate, Barack Obama.
Wait a minute…her candidate? That can’t be. Besides, Mrs. Jones-Kelley says there were no political reasons behind her search.