06.30.2009 0

ALG in the News: Iowa Politics

  • On: 07/17/2009 09:19:05
  • In: Health Care
  • ALG Editor’s Note: In the following, Iowa Politics reprints American’s for Limited Government’s press release calling on Blue Dog Democrat Congressman Leonard Boswell (IA-CD3) and others to “stand firm” against government-run health care.

    Americans for Limited Government: Calls upon Congressman Boswell to “stand firm” against government-run health care

    “Congressman Boswell has to prove that he’s not just drawing straws with his colleagues to see who gets to vote against controversial proposals to provide cover for them on bills they already know are going to pass.”—ALG President Bill Wilson.

    July 14th, 2009, Fairfax, VA — Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today praised Congressman Leonard Boswell, a member of the House Blue Dog Democrats caucus, for signing a letter against proposed legislation that according to Wilson would “institute the single largest expansion of government into health care ever.”

    According to the group’s website, the Blue Dog Democrats claim to be a “fiscal conservative” coalition in the House of Representatives, dedicated to “balancing the budget and ridding taxpayers of the burden the national debt places on them.”

    “There may be hope for Congressman Boswell yet, but he has to prove that he’s not just drawing straws with his colleagues to see who gets to vote against controversial proposals to provide cover for them on bills they already know are going to pass,” said Wilson…

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