ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured commentary, Ben Smith from Politico shows that Barack Obama is not living up to the great friend to foreigners that the left once promised he would be.
Polish PM wouldn’t take U.S. calls
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk confirmed today that he declined last night to take a call from the U.S. informing him of the decision to scrap planned missile-defense bases in his country.
Two U.S.-based sources close to the Polish government said Thursday that Tusk also rejected a call from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — on the grounds that, as the head of the government, he should speak to the president.
“Hillary called – and the reason he turned it down was because of protocol,” said a source.
Questions about the exchanges surfaced in the Polish press after Obama reached the Czech Prime Minister late last night to warn of the policy change, but did not speak to the Pole until this morning. And the static offers a glimpse at the distress beneath the diplomatic facade being offered by Eastern European leaders.
Polish Radio reports today that Tusk confirmed an earlier press report that he hadn’t taken Obama’s call, but denied it was due to “technical difficulties.”
Tusk said he declined to speak with President Obama during the night because he wanted to “properly prepare for the discussion.”
A Polish Embassy spokesman noted that Tusk ultimately spoke to Obama, while Clinton spoke to the country’s foreign minister.
A State Department spokesman didn’t respond to an email seeking comment on the episode.
The Polish preparation may have paid off however: They are reportedly angling for an American commitment of Patriot missile systems based in Poland, which Poles see, like the larger missile-defense bases, as a partial guarantee against Russian agression (despite American denials that the defenses are aimed at Russia).
“I would not describe what is going on today as a defeat for Poland,” Tusk told reporters in Warsaw, according to the AP, saying Obama had signaled that “Poland has a chance to win an exclusive position” in the new system.