10.31.2009 0

Mr. President, You Owe an Apology and an Explanation

  • On: 11/06/2009 13:36:56
  • In: Barack Obama
  • By Bill Wilson

    Yesterday, in an unspeakable act of domestic terrorism, a Fort Hood psychiatrist with a long history of erratic and anti-American behavior systematically murdered 13 American soldiers.

    As a stunned nation hung its head in sorrow, it was told that the President of the United States would emerge from the White House to make a statement.

    And, indeed, he did make an obligatory statement of regret – but only after spending three full minutes in front of the camera clowning with his fellow cabinet members and those who had shown up earlier for his hastily convened Indian Summit. The President even went so far as to do a fun-filled “shout-out” to one Summit attendee.

    Then, and only then – at the conclusion of his self-serving stand-up routine – did Barack Obama get around to deploring the massacre and extending sympathy to the bereaved families and a grieving nation.

    Mr. Obama’s behavior was entirely inappropriate, and deplorable. He showed that he is eerily detached from events that do not directly involve his own personal ambitions and chillingly disinterested in the feelings of those he is supposed to represent.

    One year ago, good and decent Americans entrusted this President with their health and welfare, their very lives and limbs. And he has now demonstrated that they cannot even trust him to share and convey their innermost feelings in their times of deepest need.

    Barack Obama owes the American people an apology – and an explanation.

    Bill Wilson is the President of Americans for Limited Government.

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