ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured article from Fox News Business, Elizabeth MacDonald quotes Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson on the Obama tax cheat appointees.
December 2, 2009 09:33 AM EST by Elizabeth MacDonald
Growing Tax Problems of the Obama Nominees
The number of nominees with tax problems that the White House has presented to Congress for various government posts has grown, as even more officials up for appointment to the Treasury Dept., which oversees the IRS, have been ensnared.
Media reports have it at four, others at five, ever since Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s own tax problems almost scuttled his appointment.
Actual number: The list has grown to nine.
And it has mushroomed at a time when the Obama Administration has created record deficits, as it has passed a $3.5 trillion budget, a $787 billion stimulus package, and as it attempts to pass a health reform bill that many believe will create even bigger tax bills down the road.
The White House and Congress have put “the largest budgetary burden ever on American taxpayers in history,” as “it is nominating individuals who have not paid their fair share in that burden, and that needs to stop,” Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government says.
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