12.31.2009 0

Appointment Watch: Southers

  • On: 01/26/2010 09:31:45
  • In: Appointments

  • Appointment Watch: Southers

    The mainstream media continue to ignore President Obama’s appointment of bizarre personnel to run the government. Personnel is policy. That being the case the American people need to know about these appointments. This week we look another Obama appointee. This is not an isolated incident or an occasional bad apple. This appointment is representative of the appointments he is making with little or no push back from the Senate during the confirmation process.

    Erroll Southers, Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration

    • Southers improperly accessed law enforcement databases in order to spy on his ex-wife’s boyfriend.
    • Southers mislead Congress regarding the spying mentioned above.
    • Southers believes that global warming prevention should be given parity with preventing terrorism.
    • Southers withdrew from consideration on January 20, 2010.

    This is just a sample of the type of people President Obama is placing in positions of power within his Administration. If you want more information please visit: http://www.getliberty.org/content.asp?pl=187&contentid=187.

    Next week we will examine one more. Those who are interested in exclusive information before it reaches the public, please contact Don@getliberty.org.

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