12.31.2009 0

Too Hot Not To Note: Obamas Kiss of Death In Massachusetts

  • On: 01/27/2010 09:28:12
  • In: Elections

  • ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured commentary, Chairman of Americans for Limited Government was featured on Rasmussen Reports commentary section.

    Obama’s “Kiss of Death” In Massachusetts

    A Commentary By Howard Rich

    It’s been a time of Tea parties throughout America, but did anyone really believe that the limited government movement that’s sweeping across the country would arrive at the site of the original Tea party so soon?

    Massachusetts? In “red?”

    No matter how hard his diminishing flock of supporters tries to spin it, you can thank Barack Obama for that – not only for advancing an overreaching socialist agenda that has galvanized supporters of freedom and free markets like never before, but also for failing to motivate voters inclined to support him and his candidates.

    In fact, his campaigning in Massachusetts backfired from the start – turning his endorsement into the “kiss of death.”

    Consider for a moment the political impenetrability of this Democratic stronghold: Until yesterday, Massachusetts hadn’t elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since 1972. Not a single member of the state’s Congressional delegation was a member of the GOP.

    Barack Obama carried the state by 26% just fourteen months ago, and he ostensibly enjoys a 60% approval rating there.

    That’s as blue a state as you’re ever going to find, and polling numbers leading up to this year’s U.S. Senate special election gave no indication that anything was going to change.

    Continue reading here.

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