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The quote of the day is from George Mason in reference to yesterday’s election results: “Nothing is so essential to the preservation of a republican government as a periodical rotation. Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens.”
- Sestak and Paul Score Wins In Primaries
- Paul Thumps Grayson
- Paul’s Victory and Specter’s Loss Shakes Up Political Map
- Anti-Washington Fervor Is Theme Of Primary Night
- Spin City…
- Activists Seize Control of Politics
- The Muddled Message From Yesterday’s Elections
- No Longer Haunted By This Specter…
- Blumenthal Adds to Dems’ Headache
- Blumenthal’s Misdirection
- Blumenthal’s Lead Collapses…
- Senators Load Financial Takeover Bill With Irrelevancies
- The Politicizing of Bankruptcy
- Would Kagan Uphold ObamaCare?
- Tide Turns In Favor of School Choice
- 9th Circuit Curt Is Slow Learning…
- Constitutionally Dangerous…
- Economists Without Borders