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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day in reference to Obama’s proposed $50 Billion States Bailout: “To ask for another $50 billion from taxpayers in these stressful economic times to balance state government budgets — money taxpayers don’t even have and will instead have to borrow from overseas and the Federal Reserve — is an insult to the American people who are tightening their belts as they watch in horror as government grows”
- Sowell: Oil vs. Snake Oil
- God and oil spills
- The gulf spill, financial crisis and government failure
- Bailing out politicians now?
- When Congressmen attack
- Key ACORN leaders gather in D.C. to plan America’s future…
- Cartoon of the day, “U.S. in the World Cup”
- The FTC, FCC, and FEC are going to war on free speech
- White House relationship with press looking wet these days
- Do laws even matter today?
- Clinton finally ahead of Obama in popularity
- Time to think differently on Public Sector Unions
- Free Speech and Guns
- Is public broadcasting hurting the arts?
- Sen. Graham admits legislation is not about climate…