06.02.2010 0

The Daily Wrap-Up: June 2

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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:

Good Wednesday Afternoon –

Rahm Emanuel was subpoenaed in the Balgojevich trial this afternoon. This puts the White House on center stage for the upcoming Summer drama titled: “The Balgojevich Trial: A Look into the Chicago Political Mafia”. No word from the White House yet. Get the story here.

The long, hot summer of corruption. Michelle Malkin writes, “We’ve had the Summer of Love and the Summer of the Shark. Now, are you ready for the Summer of Corruption? On Thursday, jury selection begins in the federal trial of disgraced former Democrat Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois. The timing couldn’t be worse for Blago’s old Chicago pals in the White House. Just as Team Obama tries to bury one job-trading scandal, another one resurfaces.”

National Incident Commander Thad Allen asks for input on Gulf response in Louisiana. The public will be able to post comments on a website that Allen will check before he presents his plan to Obama.

Obama’s Oily Mess. From Rick Manning at ALG, “Tragically, the hands of those who made the decision to not immediately implement, and instead actively obstructed, efforts to contain the disaster are covered in oil every bit as much as those responsible for the original leak. If the decision was made for political purposes or to avoid taking responsibility, those decision-makers should be fired. America deserves better from her government.”

ALG President Bill Wilson sent a letter to Congressman Darrell Issa requesting him to pursue an investigation into the Sestak job offer. Wilson said, “Although Representative Sestak has revealed new information, it contradicts his previous statements, only raising more questions and warranting an official investigation.”

Video: Too many bureaucrats getting paid too much.

Cartoon of the day, “The Coverage”.

NetRightDaily.com contributing editor Kevin Mooney looks into Big Labor again. He discovers that PLAs were implemented for labor bosses who lost out on card check.

ObamaCare: The Berwick battle begins. From Hit & Run, “The coming battle over President Obama’s nomination of Donald Berwick to the top spot at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is, like the health care reform debate before it, a struggle between centralizers and decentralizers. Indeed, Berwick is an almost prototypical centralizer. In particular, he has repeatedly expressed fondness for Britain’s NICE, which does cost-benefit analysis for the country’s government-run health care system (ie: rationing).”

HotAir: FTC to “Reinvent” Journalism. Via Ed Morrissey, “The nation needs a strong, independent press, the FTC argues, and so they want to find ways for government to “reinvent” journalism.  If that sounds vaguely Orwellian to you, the actual language in the Federal Trade Commission’s discussion-points memo should have hairs standing on the backs of necks across the nation.  It shows a wildly laughable rationale for government intervention that would prop up the failing newspaper model in a manner that would put the entire industry at the mercy of the federal bureaucracy it’s supposed to keep in check.”

The Daily Caller: Christie battles Unions in N.J. but National Republicans are yet to defend Christie.

The Christie Effect: Unions take big hit in public opinion polls. According to Susan Ferrechio, “A New Jersey poll released earlier this week supports Johnston’s assertion. It showed that since the bitter clash began between the unions and Christie, public opinion of the unions has sunk. The Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Public Mind Poll found that 44 percent of voters have an unfavorable opinion of the unions, up from 35 percent in March.”

Do you have something that should be included in the Daily Wrap-Up? Please send it to Adam@netrightnation.com.

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