By Adam Bitely –
Nearly 150,000 jobs connected to the offshore oil drilling industry are in jeopardy over hypocrisy from the Obama administration. In the Gulf Coast alone, where the economies of the Gulf States are still recovering from devastating hurricanes, the Obama administration has made it clear that they will play politics with the livelihoods of the citizens rather than do what is right. When so many people are depending on government to do the right thing, the Obama administration says one thing and does another.
Consider the unfolding episode with Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar. Salazar has come under scrutiny for falsifying a 30-day review of the offshore drilling program conducted by seven engineers from the National Academy of Engineering. Specifically, the administration changed the findings of the report to back-up the Obama administration’s policy of placing a ban on offshore drilling permits. The report from the engineers makes no such finding, and they have spoken out.
While Salazar has come forth and admitted that the changes were made, unbeknownst to the people that actually wrote the report, Salazar has continued to push his doctored report as fact. The engineers that participated in the review came forth and brought the issue to light. However, their exposure of the Obama administration’s blatant doctoring of the report to reinforce the Administrations’ endorsed position has received little coverage.
Couple Salazar’s actions with those of Steven Chu. Not 3 years ago, Chu participated in an interview where he lavished high praise on BP. According to Chu, BP will help “save the world.” Fast forward to today, and Chu now supports a complete ban on offshore drilling, backing up the Administration’s position.
It seems that the Obama administration has forgotten that many jobs are on the line and that the Gulf Coast economy will be heavily impacted—for the worst.
As Kevin Mooney pointed out at on Thursday, Ken Salazar and company have been incorrectly suggesting that fewer jobs would be lost due to the Administrations drilling ban. As Mooney reported, “The moratorium could cost 3,000 to 6,000 Louisiana jobs in the next two to three weeks alone, and potentially 10,000 in the coming months. To put that in context, the entire U.S. economy created only 41,000 new private jobs in May, according to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development.”
Gulf Coast residents’ fate hang in the hands of Administration officials that stop at nothing to get what they want. Even after a Federal Judge ruled that the drilling ban was unfounded, Salazar keeps up his battle to stop the drilling. He has proven that he will commit actions that would ruin any person’s reputation under normal standards to get his way.
The victims of Salazar’s and the Obama administrations actions are not just on the Gulf Coast. All Americans will see changes if they are allowed to have their way.
Writing at The Hill, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) points out that the Obama Administration is backing legislation that would in effect force smaller oil companies out of the offshore drilling business in America. If the Administration backed legislation, the “Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act”, is allowed to pass, Big Oil will see government aiding their efforts to allow their businesses to be the only ones allowed to drill. This legislation is nothing but government shielding Big Oil. All the while, the Obama administration is suggesting that they are going after Big Oil and making it harder for them to operate.
Again, the people hurt by this are the consumers. They will be forced to pick up the extra costs that government throws on them to operate. Many smaller oil companies will be pushed out of the market thus causing job losses.
While the Administration says it is helping prevent another disaster of the type of the Deepwater Horizon accident, their actions are speaking louder than words. From phony commissions that exist only to push out Administration propaganda, to outright lying about reports on drilling recommendations, all Americans should be keeping a watchful eye on the government that is promising to protect them from these incidents. Clearly, they are only championing their own interests, at the expense of your money and your jobs.
Adam Bitely is the Editor-in-Chief of