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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day from Smears Against Tea Parties Are Contrived Political Strategy: “Hundreds of thousands of well-meaning, activist Americans are being besmirched and smeared as part of a contrived political strategy by Democrats to keep Congress. They want nothing more than less government control over the lives of individual Americans, and for that, they are pariahs and must be destroyed.”
- Smears Against Tea Parties Contrived Political Strategy
- Why Keynes was wrong
- Cartoon of the day, “Other Views”
- U.S. patients face lower quality, longer waits
- The great economics smackdown
- A look at the assault on limited government
- Gibbs takes on Rush Limbaugh
- Is U.S. ready to recognize China as a world power?
- Democrats: The Party of “O”
- Dem Congressman attacks GOP challenger over “Jewish Money”…
- A libertarian rebel