07.06.2010 0

The Daily Wrap-Up: July 6

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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:

Good Tuesday Afternoon –

From everyone at NRD, we hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend. We are still catching up on everything, so here are some stories you may have missed over the past couple of days from us:

ACORN 8 board refuses to fall far from group’s tarnished name. From NRD Contributing Editor Kevin Mooney in yesterday’s Washington Times, “Even as it considered dropping its tarnished name last year, ACORN threatened a whistleblower group composed of former board members with a trademark lawsuit. Community activists who had held high-ranking ACORN positions have continued, however, to operate under the banner of ACORN 8, which is named for the eight board members who were blocked from investigating an embezzlement scandal. The whistleblower group remains committed to the ACORN name and the community initiatives outlined in the organization’s mission statement, even as national and state affiliates rebrand themselves.”

Government intervention never ends. Instead of looking to the private sector for many of today’s problems, people seem drawn to government to provide solutions to the nation’s biggest problems–many of which were government created. This phenomenon is called “The People’s Romance”.

Americans vote with their feet and leave the civilian workforce in droves. Let’s play June unemployment report Jeopardy. And the answer is: What are 652,000 Americans exiting the civilian labor force – more than the entire population of the City of Boston, Massachusetts. Question: The explanation for how our nation’s economy could lose 125,000 jobs in the month of June and still have the unemployment rate fall from 9.7 to 9.5%?

Saying no to DISCLOSE. If one is to assume a corporation is a group of citizens and money given to political campaigns is a form of speech, there’s little doubt that the Senate is simply poking its nose into a hornet’s nest and inviting a court battle if the DISCLOSE Act isn’t stopped there. But Democrats don’t seem to mind just as long as the rules are in place for this election. They can always make up something more draconian as necessary for 2012.

Uncommon Knowledge: Mark Steyn and Rob Long on The Gipper.

Obama administration contradictions go on for miles. According to a memo released on December 23, 2008 by President-Elect’s Counsel-Designate Greg Craig, Obama never took an active role in the Illinois Senate seat appointment. However, sworn testimony from SEIU official Tom Balanoff says otherwise.

Reagan’s call for a Jeffersonian “Economic bill of rights” can restore founding principles. Just as President Reagan channeled Thomas Jefferson on July 3, 1987 to interlink his proposed “Economic Bill of Rights” with the ideals of the founding period, contemporary Americans ought to reinstate the 40th president’s call for constitutional amendments that would force the federal government to operate within its means.

Do you have something that should be included in the Daily Wrap-Up? Please send it to Adam@netrightdaily.com.

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