11.02.2010 0

Christmas Morning for Republicans

By Rebekah Rast –

It’s fairly clear that today is going to be akin to Christmas morning for Republicans. But just how many presents will be under the tree?

Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Bill Wilson and Senior Research Director Don Todd discuss today’s elections and those races that could lead to big victories for Republicans.

One of those races will determine Indiana’s next Senator with Republican Candidate Dan Coats running against Democrat Rep. Brad Ellsworth for retiring Sen. Evan Bayh’s (D) seat. “Coats has been ahead and growing almost since day one and I think that’s going to add additional pressure on the Democrats in those House seats… and I think Indiana is going to be an indicator of just how deep this thing could go,” says ALG’s Wilson.

Todd also highlights the Senate races in Florida and Kentucky as good indicators of what will happen with many House seats. Wilson adds that those Senate seats should be good victories for Republicans.

Though Republicans seem unlikely to pick up Delaware’s Senate race, both Todd and Wilson predict an increase of eight Republican seats in the Senate.

Though there is expected to be a large resurgence of Republicans in the South, Wilson sees this as a nationwide trend. “In the South, Democrats are going to be almost an endangered species, but what I find more interesting is the really rapid increase that appears to be taking place in the Midwest, the industrial belt, and even the Northeast,” Wilson says. “That for me says it is a national movement.”

Both Wilson and Todd also predict a strong winning streak for Republican candidates in the House as well. Wilson says Todd is conservative with his estimate of 50 Republican House seats gained, and thinks there will be at least 60 new Republican seats, if not more.

Overall, ALG is predicting a clear win for Republicans today.

If you are planning to watch the election results this evening, here’s a bit of advice from ALG’s Todd: “If Rubio [Florida Republican Candidate Marco Rubio] loses or Rand Paul [Republican Senate Candidate for Kentucky] loses, if you’re a Republican you probably ought to go to bed,” he says. “Because there is just no hope of us taking over the Senate if that happens. If Christine O’Donnell [Republican Senate Candidate for Delaware] wins, you should stay up until Hawaii comes in.”

ALG will be blogging live tonight about the election results at the NetRightDaily.com Election Headquarters.

Rebekah Rast is a contributing editor to Americans for Limited Government (ALG) News Bureau.

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