11.16.2010 0

Conservative Leaders Put Pressure on Boehner to Oppose Jerry Lewis for House Appropriations Committee

Conservative leaders sent a letter to John Boehner urging him to not grant Rep. Jerry Lewis a waiver to serve as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Lewis was term-limited out from serving as Chair but was  seeking a waiver to maintain control of the committee.

Here is the letter that was sent to Boehner:

The Honorable John A. Boehner
Office of the Minority Leader
Washington, DC  20515

Dear Leader Boehner:

We applaud your stated determination to change the culture of spending in the House of Representatives as outlined in your address to the American Enterprise Institute in October.  Your first opportunity to do so will be in the selection of a new Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

The former Chair and current Ranking Member, Representative Jerry Lewis, is term-limited under the Republican rules but has said he would ask for a waiver from the Republican Conference.  It is no secret that he and a few other senior members of the Committee, thwarted many efforts to reign in ever increasing appropriations bills, to cut or scale back wasteful and duplicative programs, or to accept any meaningful reforms.  This problem was compounded by the retention of liberal staff from the old Democrat majority who dragged their feet when asked to find spending cuts.

If you now give a waiver to allow the old Chairman to continue, it would be a signal to the millions of independents and members of the tea party movement who took a chance on Republicans in the election, that you have ignored their message of change, and that instead it will be business as usual in Washington.

We urge you to oppose a waiver for Representative Lewis and, rather than choose a successor, allow an open contest for Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.


David A. Keene
The American Conservative Union

Tim Phillips
Americans for Prosperity

William Wilson
Americans for Limited Government

Susan A. Carleson
The American Civil Rights Union

Michael McLaughlin
Vice President
American Council for Immigration Reform

Ken Blackwell
Balanced Budget Amendment Now

Andy Sullivan
Blue Collar Corner & 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge

David N. Bossie
Citizens United

Ron Pearson
Executive Director
Conservative Victory Fund

Richard A. Viguerie

Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D.
Previous Lt. Governor of New York
Defend Your Healthcare

Eli Lehrer
National Director
Center on Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate
The Heartland Institute

Seton Motley
Less Government

Jeff Dunetz
The Lid

Karen Beseth
The Lonely Conservative

Lewis K. Uhler
National Tax Limitation Committee

Adam Bitely

Dan Riehl
Conservative Blogger
Riehl World View

Doug Welch
Stix Blog

C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property Inc.

Andrea Lafferty
Executive Director
Traditional Values Coalition

Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

Jordan Marks
Young Americans for Freedom

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