11.19.2010 0

Joe Scarborough Suspended From MSNBC

Following in the footsteps of fellow MSNBC talking head Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough of “Morning Joe” was suspended for campaign donations he made.

MSNBC President Phil Griffin made the following statement on Scarborough:

This morning Joe Scarborough informed me that he made eight contributions of $500 each to local candidates in Florida between 2004-08. In my conversation with Joe two weeks ago, he did not recall these contributions. Since he did not seek or receive prior approval for these contributions, Joe understands that I will be suspending him for violating our policy. He will be immediately suspended for two days without pay and will return to the air on Wednesday, November 24th. As Joe recognizes, it is critical that we enforce our standards and policies.

Joe will have the luxury of a nice vacation. Most likely, Joe scheduled the announcement of the donations to Griffin to coincide with taking additional days off over the Thanksgiving holiday.

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