By Frank McCaffrey – I popped over to the Cannon House Office Building yesterday to check in on the Nancy Pelosi Celebration Party for all of the House Democrats’ legislative accomplishments (even though those accomplishments landed them in the minority). Here is what I found: […]
By Kevin Mooney – George Soros, the radical, far-left billionaire, with a long history of antipathy toward American interests, now sits on a United Nations (UN) panel charged with organizing a $100 billion wealth transfer from the developed world to the underdeveloped world in the […]
By Rebekah Rast – “In August of 1944, we were transferred to Saipan on the Marianas Islands. I can remember another guy and I were being strafed by Japanese planes—machine guns—so we were running to the fox holes. He wasn’t running very fast but I […]
To hear some of the post-election spin regarding whether congressional Republicans should support increasing the national debt ceiling beyond $14.294 trillion, one might come to the conclusion that Republicans lost control of Congress in 1996 and not in 2006. Why the controversy? On November 3rd, […]
ALG’s Frank McCaffrey was unable to get comment from Speaker Nancy Pelosi at her Reception Honoring The Accomplishments of the 111th congress.This does not come as a surprise. There was a nice turnout for the event, although we couldn’t really figure out what she was celebrating. Here’s our own Frank McCaffrey giving an account of the event.
I assure you, this news is not from The Onion. While Barry is in India, Joe Biden is helping keep Barry’s campaign pledge to have the most transparent administration in history. But in an effort to achieve that goal, he msut first do away with […]
Republicans were cast into the wilderness beginning in 2006 because they abandoned a basic set of principles — not just their own principles, but those of the nation they were entrusted to lead. Rather than standing up for American freedoms and free markets, the GOP […]
By David Bozeman – Senator-elect Marco Rubio, in one of the most rousing speeches on election night (is anyone really inspired by calls for bi-partisanship and compromise?) declared that the Republican Party was given a second chance to do what it had promised before. Last […]