
Voters Lean Right As Predicted, ALG President Bill Wilson Comments

Americans For Limited Government President Bill Wilson comments on the Republican victory and what it means for the near future in American politics.


Election Prediction Contest

Please leave a comment with a prediction of how you think the election results will pan out tonight. An ideal comment/prediction would look like the following: House: 65 GOP pickups Senate: 8 GOP pickups If I cannot understand your comment, you won’t win. You will […]


Democrats Go Into Hiding

Is it any surprise that Democrats are going deep into the bunker tonight? The results will not be any good for them anyways. And why even stand in front of the cameras and acknowledge the defeat? According to ABC : House Democrats and Republicans are each […]


DOJ Dispatches 400 Election Monitors to 18 States, but Not NV or NC

The Department of Justice is deploying “more than 400 federal observers and department personnel to 30 jurisdictions in 18 states” to monitor today’s elections.  Of note, however, is that two notable states where irregularities have already been reported, North Carolina and Nevada, are not on […]


Must Reads for November 2

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Tuesday Morning and Happy Election Day, Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day from What if Republicans Win the House? : “More than anything, on Tuesday, the American people will be voting to rein in this massive, unaffordable, out-of-control […]


Fed On a Limb

For voters who have become increasingly disillusioned with their government in an era of record debt levels, never-ending bailouts and government takeovers, high unemployment, and a weak economy, the election of November 2nd, 2010 is seen by many as the last recourse to changing the […]


Christmas Morning for Republicans

By Rebekah Rast – It’s fairly clear that today is going to be akin to Christmas morning for Republicans. But just how many presents will be under the tree? Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Bill Wilson and Senior Research Director Don Todd discuss today’s elections and those races […]


ALG’s Bill Wilson and Don Todd Preview The Election

Americans For Limited Government President Bill Wilson and Don Todd preview the mid-term election. Hear their take on the race of 2010.


Uncommon Knowledge: Daniel Hannan

A journalist and author, Daniel Hannan has been a British member of the European Parliament since 1999. He first came to wide notice in the United States when he made a speech on the floor of the European Parliament addressing the then-prime minister of Great […]


Colbert and Stewart Supporters Say They’re More Intelligent Than Tea Partiers

By Frank McCaffrey – Comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert hosted a rally claiming to restore sanity, but it appears many of its attendees don’t really know why they were there. It may have had some funny moments for some, but in general it was […]

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