02.28.2011 0

Why Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme

  • On: 03/17/2011 09:27:30
  • In: Entitlements
  • ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured column from Forbes, Dean Zarras makes the case for reforming Social Security:

    By Dean Zarras

    Want a recipe for ruckus? Merely suggest that Social Security might be a “Ponzi scheme”. You might even end up on Drudge Report. Yet the facts bear out the thesis, as we shall see…

    For starters, let’s be clear on what a Ponzi scheme is.

    Say you’re in a scheming kind of mood and looking to get rich off it. Say you’re Bernie Madoff! You start by convincing a small group of people, say five of them, to each give you some money, say $1,000, with the promise that each month thereafter, you’re going to give them $50 back. That works out to $600 over the year, or a 60% rate of return. Not too shabby! These people are a little skeptical at first, but the promised 60% rate of return seems worth the risk. So you collect $5,000, but pay out $600 to each of these five people, $3,000 in total, leaving you ahead by $2000 at year end. So far so good — stick with me…

    Here’s how you’ll fund the $3,000 you’re going to pay to those five people.

    Not long after the first five, you find ten other people to also give you $1000, with the promise that they, too, will get $50 back each month thereafter. You take in $10,000, and over the course of the year, you pay back the $3,000 to the first group of five people, leaving you with $7,000 from the group of ten, plus the full $5,000 from the group of five, for a total of $12,000. But you still owe the group of ten $6,000. That’s OK, because after you pay them, you’re still ahead by $6,000.

    You can repeat the same funding mechanism to pay back that group of ten. Find another ten people, or ideally, more than ten, promise each of them $50 a month, and pay them by using the incoming cash from yet another group of people. Keep this going for a while and all the people earning 60% a year on their money might even turn you on to their friends. It almost seems like a virtuous circle.

    All the math for this will work out great provided you play by some simple rules. You absolutely must keep finding more people to pay in. You might need to start promising a lower return to new “investors”, just to help the math. Oh, and you’ll want to keep everyone in the dark about what’s really going on.

    But eventually there just aren’t enough people in the world to solicit. And eventually some smart cookies begin to suspect too much of a good thing, and start asking pesky questions.

    Now let’s examine Social Security.

    When Social Security was started in 1935, workers paid 2% of their first $3,000 earned, or a maximum of $60. Of course, only those aged 65 and older could collect anything, and many of those collectors conveniently died not long thereafter. So even without full participation by every wage earner, the number of people paying in dwarfed those being paid out, and money began to pile up in what became known as the “Social Security Trust Fund”.

    As trends (and thankfully, lifespans) have changed, the payer/payee relationship has not stayed constant. Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute documents some of the demographics as follows:

    In 1950, there were 16 workers paying taxes into the system for every retiree who was taking benefits out of it. Today, there are a little more than three. By the time the baby boomers retire, there will be just two workers who will have to pay all the taxes to support every one retiree.
    “Social Security: Follow the Math”, Michael Tanner, 1/14/2005

    Think Cato’s some radical right-wing organization? Ok then, let’s see what the official Social Security Online website has to say in their 2010 summary:

    “Social Security expenditures are expected to exceed tax receipts this year for the first time since 1983. The projected deficit of $41 billion this year (excluding interest income) is attributable to the recession and to an expected $25 billion downward adjustment to 2010 income that corrects for excess payroll tax revenue credited to the trust funds in earlier years. This deficit is expected to shrink substantially for 2011 and to return to small surpluses for years 2012-2014 due to the improving economy. After 2014 deficits are expected to grow rapidly as the baby boom generation’s retirement causes the number of beneficiaries to grow substantially more rapidly than the number of covered workers. The annual deficits will be made up by redeeming trust fund assets in amounts less than interest earnings through 2024, and then by redeeming trust fund assets until reserves are exhausted in 2037, at which point tax income would be sufficient to pay about 75 percent of scheduled benefits through 2084.”

    So there’s your admission that this scheme has run its course, and even an admission that without legislative changes, people will be getting less than they thought.

    Some people say, “There’s no problem here – just raise taxes further until we get the money that we need.” But what started at 2% has now become 12.4% when both the employee’s and the employer’s portions are considered. And keep in mind that the half paid by the employer represents monies that by definition can’t be paid to the employees or investors in the form of additional wages and/or returns. As the saying goes, corporations don’t pay taxes. People pay taxes.

    Furthermore, the idea that we can just raise taxes and hit some projected revenue increase is fatally flawed by static analysis — the idea that people don’t respond to incentives and penalties. Tax increases routinely fail to yield the originally projected revenue. Lastly, you have to be willing to legislatively seize a lot of property that just doesn’t belong to you (regardless of what Michael Moore might say).

    It’s not as if Franklin D. Roosevelt set out to create a Ponzi scheme. To this day, the nature of the system is fully disclosed, although now things are so scary that most people don’t want to look. Even when a few people are asked to look, like the recent commission headed by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, the very President doing the asking looks away. In the meantime, people who do know that the scheme is mathematically unsustainable are drafting battle plans against those who might, horrors!, try to give some control over the situation back to individuals.

    Like so many government programs, Social Security started off with great intentions, but morphed into something else. Some people refute the Ponzi scheme comparison largely on the grounds that unlike a traditional Ponzi scheme, Social Security is completely disclosed, was never sold to as a way to make anyone rich, and that it has good intentions rooted in compassion for the poor.

    Hold on to your wallets. Just because a fraud is being perpetuated in full view doesn’t mean it’s not a fraud. It simply means people are either not paying attention, or don’t understand what they’re looking at. Regarding not trying to make anyone rich, that’s precisely correct, if only ironically. The creation of Social Security probably did incalculable damage by disincentivizing saving and investing. It ratcheted up moral hazard big time, and nudged untold millions of people into looking towards government for solutions, rather than to themselves and the private sector. And as for good intentions, isn’t that what a certain road to a certain nasty place is paved with? Or at the minimum, The Road to Serfdom?

    What’s that saying about walking and talking like a duck?

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