05.18.2011 0

Goodwin Liu Cloture Vote TOMORROW

Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson said the following about tomorrow’s Senate vote to invoke cloture on the confirmation of University of California at Berkley Law Professor Goodwin Liu to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

“There is simply no excuse for any Senator who professes a belief in constitutionally limited government to consider voting in favor of the confirmation of Goodwin Liu to a lifetime appointment on the federal bench. Liu is the embodiment of disregarding the words of the framers and inserting his own political bias, and should be rejected.

To be absolutely clear, a vote to allow Liu’s nomination to the Senate floor is a vote in favor of putting Liu and his radical agenda on the federal bench. There can be no political doubletalk, a vote to invoke cloture on Liu’s nomination is a vote for judicial extremism.”

Also see video on Mr. Liu, as well as an Americans for Limited Government article detailing Liu’s writings which reveal his radical views on the Constitution.

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