
On Political Proximity

NRD Editor’s Note: The excellent post below first appeared at Fits News . By Talbert Black, Jr. — Friends of South Carolina, you can have access to a politician, or you can have power to influence him. You can’t have both! I have gained some experience over […]


A Greek Mythological Figure Finds An Honest Politician And It’s Illinois’ Treasury Secretary

Diogenes, the Greek mythology figure, once used a lantern to find an honest person. Well, he would have found one in Illinois Treasury Secretary Dan Rutherford. ALG’s Robert Romano explains what this is all about.


Must Reads for May 24


The Week Ahead: Harry Reid, The Debt Ceiling and The Left’s Spending Addiction

By Frank McCaffrey – Hear from ALG President Bill Wilson on the debt ceiling and how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needs a trip to spendaholics anonymous. Plus, we analyze what Reid says to cover for his addiction.


How much did the Labor Department spend on its broken iPhone app?

By Nathan Mehrens – With much fanfare and self-congratulation, the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor recently rolled out what it probably thought was an awesome idea: an iPhone app that allows hourly employees to keep track of their hours worked. […]


Gov. Chris Christie Appears to Be Shrinking and Not “Growing” in Office

By Kevin Mooney — Is Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey shrinking or growing in office? Some explanation is in order before a definitive answer can be given. Whenever Republicans gravitate toward big government polices during their time in office, as they tend to do […]


Iceland’s Revolution Against International Bank Bailouts Goes Global

By Bill Wilson -In April, the people of Iceland went to the polls, decisively rejecting a bailout of British and Dutch investors who lost billions in the Icesave bank in 2008.  Iceland is the rare example of a nation that allowed its banks to fail in the […]


Harry Reid, The Debt Ceiling and The Left’s Spending Addiction Is The Topic On “The Week Ahead”

Hear from ALG President Bill Wilson on the debt ceiling and how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needs a trip to spendaholics anonymous. Plus, we analyze what Reid says to cover for his addiction.


Uncommon Knowledge: Thomas Sowell

The latest episode of Uncommon Knowledge features Thomas Sowell, who outlines common misconceptions about economics, race, and racism.


Imagine if Supermarkets Were Run Like K-12 Public Education

George Mason University Economics Professor Don Boudreaux (who writes at the must-read blog CafeHayek.com ) spoke on Fox Business’s Freedom Watch w/ Judge Napolitano about what would happen to supermarkets if they were run like the K-12 public education system:

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