
Obama, Congressional Leaders Reach Debt Deal?

Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Mitch McConnell have reached a debt deal agreement, while Boehner possible holds out. The deal would cut as little as $2 trillion over the next decade. Boehner is supposedly concerned that the deal would cut too much from the Pentagon , and is still considering whether he will support the legislation. Further trouble for […]


Happy 99th Birthday, Milton Friedman!

Today is the 99th Birthday of Milton Friedman, one of the most important economists of all time! We remember him with this Friedman quote and video below (H/T to Don Boudreaux for running the quote at his fine blog, Cafe Hayek ): When “fairness” replaces “freedom,” all our liberties are in danger. In Walden, Thoreau says: “If […]


Reid Debt Plan Killed in House

Harry Reid’s debt plan is the latest debt ceiling increase legislation to die in Congress. By a vote of 173-246, the House put the kibosh on Harry Reid’s debt plan. House Majority Leader Cantor announces that the House will not have any more votes until […]


The 22 Who Voted ‘No’ on Boehner’s Debt Plan

Here are the names of the 22 House Republicans that opposed Boehner’s debt plan: Justin Amash (Mich.) Michele Bachmann (Minn.) Chip Cravaack (Minn.) Jason Chaffetz (Utah) Scott Desjarlais (Tenn.) Tom Graves (Ga.) Tim Huelskamp (Kans.) Steve King (Iowa) Tim Johnson (Ill.) Tom McClintock (Calif.) Mick […]


The Team Obama Spotlight Shines On Barack Obama Himself Due To Weak Economic Growth

We have shined the light on several members of Team Obama, today we shine it on Barack Obama himself. He has said he is working to create economic growth for years and the economy is still terrible. ALG’s Robert Romano demanded that the light shine on our President today.


Why are Republicans Supporting a Plan that Brings About a U.S. Credit Downgrade?

CNN’s Erin Burnett spoke with a source at S&P who said that Harry Reid’s plan would not cause a credit downgrade, but Boehner’s plan would: The question now is, why would House Republicans support a bill that will bring about the downgrade of the U.S.’s […]


Rep. Vicky Hartzler Talks About Government Spending

Missouri Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler speaks with ALG about big government and cutting big government spending. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.


Obama Tries to Strong Arm Rating Agencies

By Bill WilsonThe Obama Administration has been attempting to strong arm credit rating agencies to back off their threats to downgrade the United States’ Triple-A credit rating , and even to endorse the Reid plan in the Senate that falls far short of the agencies’ calls to cut at least $4 trillion to prevent a downgrade.  To the agencies’ credit, they have not backed down.  How dare the Administration try […]


Must Reads for July 29

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Friday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Boehner urged to reconsider ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ A ‘AA’ credit rating hangs like an albatross around Obama’s neck Boehner debt plan might be voted on today… Does Boehner’s plan cut spending? Where is Obama’s debt plan? Fact checking the debt-ceiling debate Noonan: Obama still has supporters, but theirs is a grim support The deepening depression The failure of central planning lite Why the USPS should be privatized Happy 99th Birthday, Milton Friedman!


Boehner Urged to Re-Vote ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’

The following letter from Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson urges Speaker Boehner to hold another vote on ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ with a few amendments: July 29th, 2011 The Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives John Boehner U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. […]

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