
Must Reads for October 14

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Friday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Occupy D.C. attacks Obama The next depression The media anoints Mitt but GOP voters are yet to speak Obama’s performance rating continues to slide Stossel: Government, the job killer Congress, Governor’s nix Obama’s high speed rail boondoggle Watch Mitt praise Ted for his role in RomneyCare Who else besides Solyndra got loan guarantees? New Free Trade Agreements will promote growth and jobs U.S. government threatens action against U.S. consumers who take advantage of cheap prices


Occupy D.C. Attacks Obama, Government

The reportedly confused message of “Occupy Wall Street” has also hit the streets of Washington, D.C., but it appears they may have some ire for Big Government as well. “Occupy DC” has set up camp in capital. However, they came across a counter-protest. ALG’s Rebecca DiFede has the story.


Occupy DC attacks Obama, government

By Frank McCaffrey — The confused message of “Occupy Wall Street” has also hit the streets of Washington, D.C.  ALG’s Rebecca DiFede has the story.


The NBA not being so FANtastic

By Frank McCaffrey — The National Basketball Association lockout has a lot to do with the National Labor Relations Board. We spoke with ALG Counsel Nathan Mehrens about how this government organization is working to help millionaires in the NBA. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the […]


The next depression

By Robert Romano — The next depression is already here.  It is a realization this author does not come to lightly, but unless and until the capital regime formalized internationally in Basel, Switzerland in 1988 is brought to a swift conclusion as the greatest colossal mistake ever […]


Defining health benefits and defining away states’ rights

By John Vinci — On October 6, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued its 297-page report that the Obama Administration will use to define what is including in the “Essential Health Benefits” (EHB) list.  The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is expected to define the […]


Must Reads for October 13

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Thursday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : New legislation would defang the NLRB Pop goes the green jobs bubble Tax Me More!: Warren Buffett made over $62 million last year Buffett’s company still owes $1 billion in taxes…. Shock: Cain leads GOP pack in latest poll… Typical Politicians: Romney and Cain defend the bailouts… George F. Will: Here’s to a long life for Occupy Wall Street Occupy Wall Street vs. Jobs Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something New Hampshire primary to be held in December???


Must Reads for October 12

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Wednesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Slovakia is the mouse that roared How Europe’s greens will be taxing you NLRB reform bill aims at treating the ‘disease,’ not the ‘symptoms’ Dem Senate kills Obama’s jobs bill… Obama’s earplugs and blinders prevent job creation A ‘golden’ opportunity Behind the scenes of Christie endorsing Romney Panderer in chief Toward a solvent U.S. postal system SunPower: Twice as bad as Solyndra, twice as bad for Obama D.C. drove up your student debt


2012: The common sense election

By David Bozeman — Want to annoy a liberal?  Tell one that America needs a business-person as president to put our economic house in order.  Most libs will, however subtly, react defensively, given that their experiment in “transforming” America has turned out — how to […]


The mouse that roared?

By Bill Wilson — It might not be an overstatement to say that the fate of representative government hangs in the balance as Slovakia has rejected the €440 billion European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF). It fell 21 votes short of a majority. Was it the day the mouse roared? When a free people stood up — as did the people of Iceland recently — […]

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