12.22.2011 0

2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match: Round 2

2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match Round 2Click here to vote in the final round!

With the Iowa caucuses just a couple of weeks away, we thought it would be fun to host the 2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match.

Round 1 of the tournament featured all 7 GOP Presidential candidates facing off in an 8 seed tournament with “None of the Above” being seeded in the 8 slot. It is a single elimination tournament. (Click here to download a printable tournament bracket so you can play at home!)

In Round 1, #1 seed Newt Gingrich defeated #8 seed “None of the Above” with 57% to 43%. #4 seed Bachmann defeated #5 seed Perry with 60% to 40%. #2 seed Romney beat #7 seed Huntsman with 58% to 42%. And in the upset match-up, #6 seed Santorum defeated the #3 seeded Ron Paul with 55% to 45%.

Voting for Round 2 begins today and concludes on Wednesday, December 28. On that day, we will announce Round 2 winners and begin the Championship round of voting. So be sure to check back to NetRightDaily.com all next week to stay up to speed on the tournament and subscribe to our daily email by clicking here to receive tournament updates.

We chose the seeds using the Real Clear Politics average of nationwide polls to determine who would be seeded #1 through #7. We chose the #1 seed as the current leader in the polls as of December 15.

Round 2 voting is closed. Click here to vote in the final round!

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