Senator Chuck Grassley drew the line today against Obama’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failure to respond to Senate inquiries regarding the controversial contract they gave to LightSquared which drew fire from Defense experts earlier this year.In a press release (see below), Grassley announced that he […]
NRD Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared at the Washington Times . By Howard Rich — This month’s decision by aircraft manufacturer Boeing to cut a deal with the International Association of Machinists (IAM) will likely result in President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) dropping its […]
Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today urged members of the House Judiciary Committee to reject legislation he said would “give the government power to censor the Internet.” “Nobody likes Internet piracy, but this legislation is going to create a regime of Internet censorship in the […]
By Frank McCaffrey — The rapper who has made millions off of selling music to young people now sells t-shirts to “Occupiers.” Guess what? He isn’t giving them the profits! Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.
By Bill Wilson — Nightly Americans are bombarded with countless “news” stories of the fight in Congress over government spending and the latest crisis-filled battle over funding the government. As the country drags itself toward the next so-called deadline of Dec. 16, the din is likely to […]
By Kevin Mooney — Complaints about voter fraud are not rooted in reality and divert attention from electoral reforms that would invigorate America’s democratic system, lawyers with the Brennan Center for Justice have long argued. In a commentary entitled: “The Myth of Voter Fraud,” authors Michael Waldman and Justin Levitt […]
By Robert Romano –The situation in Europe is constantly evolving, with a new proposal seemingly on the table every day. Let’s take a look at which proposals are still under consideration, and which ones have been torpedoed. Off the table: 1) ECB direct monetization (Draghi just said […]