12.09.2011 0

Senator Grassley holds FCC accountable

Senator Chuck Grassley drew the line today against Obama’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failure to respond to Senate inquiries regarding the controversial contract they gave to LightSquared which drew fire from Defense experts earlier this year.In a press release (see below), Grassley announced that he will stop two Obama appointees to the FCC from confirmation due to the agency’s lack of transparency and unwillingness to provide Congress necessary and important information about this contract which was provided to an Obama contributor.

ALG President Bill Wilson praised Senator Grassley saying, “It’s great to see Senator Grassley standing up and fighting for the truth. Either the bureaucracy responds quickly to Congress, the People’s representatives, or they get shut down.  That is only right.”

From Senator Grassley’s press release:

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa today made the following comment regarding his intention to place a hold on two nominees for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) when the nominees are placed on the Senate calendar for consideration.

“More than seven months ago, I started asking the FCC for information that would shed light on the agency’s apparent rush to approve the LightSquared project. The agency has provided none of the information and found excuses not to provide the information. Even the private companies involved, LightSquared and Harbinger Capital, have promised to be more forthcoming than the FCC as a public agency funded by the taxpayers. LightSquared and Harbinger Capital promised to provide me with requested documents on their dealings with the FCC this week. As a last resort to try to exhort more transparency and accountability from the FCC, I’ll place a hold on consideration of the agency nominees on the Senate floor. This agency controls a big part of the economy. It conducts the public’s business. And the public’s business ought to be public.”

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