By Bill Wilson — Eric Holder, who has been under increasing scrutiny for his purported cover-up of the Fast and Furious, the Black Panthers Philly 2008 case, and fighting Florida’s voter ID laws, has no business leading the investigation into the White House national security leaks. He is a political appointee loyal to Obama.
The Office of Special Counsel is the only office that independent of the Attorney General can lead such a politically charged inquiry. Holder has an interest to protect Obama, who for all we know originated the leak. Only an independent investigation will reveal how far up this goes, and avoid any appearance of a cover-up.
If ever there was a case for a special prosecutor, this is it. This is precisely why the Office of Special Counsel was created.
Holder should stand aside, and let an independent investigation proceed without his or the White House’s interference. Right now, this is the equivalent of the fox watching the hen house. Nobody is going to feel justice was served when the White House exonerates itself without an independent body having had a chance to investigate.
Bill Wilson is the President of Americans for Limited Government. You can follow Bill on Twitter at @BillWilsonALG.