10.15.2012 0

Rep. Jim Jordan stands up to efforts to stop sequestration

Our National DebtBy Bill Wilson — A bipartisan effort to repeal sequestration is underway, proving the difficulty that members of both parties in Congress have in restoring order to our nation’s fiscal house. We need more leaders like Jim Jordan, who are actually willing to cut the budget on a net basis, and are not afraid to buck the establishment in Washington, D.C.

Jordan has been a consistent voice in favor of cutting spending now before it is too late. With the $16 trillion debt already larger than the entire economy set to rise to $26 trillion by 2022, we are approaching a point where the debt will become so large it cannot possibly be serviced, let alone repaid. Jordan is one of the only representatives in Congress exhibiting any leadership on this issue.

Under sequestration, the overall budget would face a $62 billion cut in 2013, it is true, but that is just a 1.6 percent reduction in a single year. Every year after that spending will increase: by $152 billion in 2014, or 4.1 percent, by $214 billion in 2015, or 5.6 percent, and so forth.

If weak politicians in Washington, D.C. cannot fathom a less-than-2 percent cut to the budget in just one year, how do they ever intend to balance the budget? This is the first small test of whether Congress is serious when they talk about restoring fiscal order.

Bill Wilson is President of Americans for Limited Government. You can follow Bill on Twitter at @BillWilsonALG.

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